$30.00 USD or more

Sufferings of Love: Talmudic Questions of Healing

Our sages have long pondered the mysteries of healing. Jewish tradition has it that when a Rabbi falls ill, there arises a Talmudic inquiry known as yesurin shel ahavah, which translates as “sufferings of love”. This set of questions is aimed at discerning and understanding the true meaning of the illness: is it an invitation to individual growth, or is it more simply a calamity too difficult to bear, requiring outside intervention? Grappling with this and other dilemmas, this class will encourage a deep appreciation of the connections between affliction and alignment, adversity and opportunity, physical well-being and spiritual wholeness.

This class took place in January 2024 and by purchasing this you will receive the recordings of this series. 

This class is offered through Malchut, a mystical school by Hadar Cohen teaching direct experience of God through heart-centered spiritual traditions. For upcoming classes and offerings, visit malchut.one.